Daily Archives: January 22, 2011

Ethiopia: Coffee and Qat–Dispatch 2

Black crowned cranes flexing immense black and white wings in their signature flight style: necks and legs drooping in front and behind; Red cheeked cordon-bleu, a tiny flitting bundle of blue, like a plump madame garishly made up with a patch of rouge on each cheek; Malachite King fisher, a flash of iridescent blue/green diving into a papyrus marsh; the speckled mousebird, with a perky mohawk on its head and long mousey tail feathers; Black-winged lovebirds, faces ablush with carmine, a stripe of black on the outer edge of each green/yellow wing; African Paradise Flycatcher, handsome in bronze and black tuxedo, with a white slash of feathers trailing behind.


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